Overview: Founded in 1892, along the general area of modern Main (HWY33) and gained the nickname "Old Jericho." The town quickly became a ‘dual town’ of north and south elements that began a struggle for supremacy of the business core.
Two newspapers were the mouthpieces of these opposing sides.
(Old Jericho was present day Main/HWY 33 and present downtown area of Broadway was New Jerusalem).
Walking Tour:
“New Jerusalem” Business District and Surrounding Areas:
· Santa Fe Depot, 400 W. Broadway, 1910. This, as many early depots evolved and its location shifted to some degree from a location further south to its current location a few hundred feet away. Around the depot sprang up a variety of hotels, shops, businesses, and , of course, locations for drink, games and carousing of all sorts. As the community developed an agreement was developed to keep the vice trade closer to the depot and allow the eastward expansion of Broadway for families and "decent folks." Of course, there were a couple of attempts to challenge that in the early decades.
· Swaggerty Brothers, Model Cleaners, 116 W. Broadway, 1920
· First National Bank, 123 W. Broadway, 1902
· Masonic Blg., 114-116 N. Cleveland,
· CC. Walters Blg. 201 E. Broadway, 1925
· Dunkin Theater, 205-207 E. Broadway, 1926
· Post Office, 104 E. Broadway, 1903 (moved in the night)
Driving Tour:
“Old Jericho” and Historic Locations (many of which are gone)
-First Main Street Businesses were a blacksmith, a general store, harness, store, saloon and druggist.
· W.Hull’s Mercantile, Cleveland and Main, where, on Oct. 1893, the Dalton Gang robbed them of $120.
· Original Post Office located at the McGuffin House, 628 E. Main, stolen Sept 2, 1902 and taken on skids to Broadway
· First House, W.G. Robertson, 1 & ½ stories, Cleveland and Main
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